31 January 2005

I have crossed the threshold

So here I am, in the virtual Universe. Amazing. Feels good - like . . . soft butter. Yeah, soft butter in my soul. I like it. I want to eat it, but I can't . . . it's . . . virtual. Shwing, baby. Oh yeah. I think this thing's got potential, fellas. Potential with a capital "POT." Obviously, nothing posted as of yet has much value or worthwhilenessness, but certainly full of POT. One day the pizza party will be the "it," ladies and gentleman (guess which - kidding). You and I and you shall rule this domain, and it will be splendid. Again, shwing. Shwing low, sweet chariot. Comin' fore to carry me . . . to the "it." the in thing, that's us. no, there's no need for capitals anymore heck no need for punctuation or even correbt sbellingg why bee bong bi rooolees fjio lsifn wlifj dal;fjal;dj123456654351 ...

I have crossed the threshold. JOIN ME!


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